Flexible and fast in our decision making, quick to respond to requests and available to participate at any time. Providing these services has given us an insight into government departments and agencies and the experience and contact to successfully negotiate on behalf of principals.

We also fully appreciate how vitally important it is to provide extra special and personal attention from every outset in order to establish both trust and truly close long term partnership with our valued clients. The time-consuming task of recruiting, screening, interviewing selecting, hiring is assumed by us leaving you more time for other areas of Management that contribute to your company's financial success.

We will provide our services in accordance with a quality assurance system in compliance with ISM code. All services we offered will consistently meet and exceed the requirements of the clients.
These are our assurance you will be working with a group that in permanent, secure and reliable.
Our computerized system matches seafarers who are available to vessels they previously worked on, and you benefit from re-employing crews familiar with your vessels, your procedures and your policies.

Before a new name can be added to our database, the seafarer's qualifications and experience are verified and cross-reference with past employers, government agencies and other organizations to ensure they are true. Additionally, the seafarers professional attitude and behavior is assessed through our personal interviews. While selecting the crews we make sure that training and certificates comply with IMO and STCW'95/98 convention as amended and ISM code. We are in an excellent position for recruitment all grades/ratings.

While selection seafarers we see that they are also adaptable to any other nationals, customs, manners and creed.